Example project

This example project demonstrates how to use Django-geoprisma. You can use this example project for development or just test features.


  1. Clone the Django-geoprisma repo or download the archive.

  2. Go to the example_project directory into the Django-geoprisma folder.

  3. Install requirements

    $ pip install -r requirements.txt
  4. You need to create a database. Don’t forget to put your database configurations in settings.py

    $ python manage.py syncdb
  5. Load default geoprisma data

    $ python manage.py loaddata default
  6. Load example data

    $ python manage.py loaddata example
  7. Create a superuser

    $ python manage.py createsuperuser
  8. Run the django server

    $ python manage.py runserver
  9. Sign in into admin with the superuser. http://yourserverurl/admin

  10. Enter the url http://yourserverurl/map/ws_example/1 for open the geoprisma example application.