
Here we describe the development process overview.

You want to report a bug or suggest a improvement

Just go to https://github.com/groupe-conseil-nutshimit-nippour/django-geoprisma/issues and create new one.

How do I get involved ?

It’s simple! If you want to fix a bug, extend documentation or whatever you think is appropriate for the project and involves changes, just fork the project at github (https://github.com/groupe-conseil-nutshimit-nippour/django-geoprisma), create a separate branch, hack on it, publish changes at your fork and create a pull request.

Here is a quick how to:

  1. Fork a project: https://github.com/groupe-conseil-nutshimit-nippour/django-geoprisma/fork

  2. Checkout project to your local machine:

    $ git clone git@github.com:YOUR_NAME/django-geoprisma.git
  3. Create a new branch with name describing change you are going to work on:

    $ git checkout -b bugfix/support-for-custom-model
  4. Perform changes at newly created branch. Remember to include tests (if this is code related change) and run test suite. See running tests documentation.

  5. (Optional) Squash commits. If you have multiple commits and it doesn’t make much sense to have them separated (and it usually makes little sense), please consider merging all changes into single commit. Please see https://help.github.com/articles/interactive-rebase if you need help with that.

  6. Publish changes:

    $ git push origin YOUR_BRANCH_NAME
  7. Create a Pull Request (https://help.github.com/articles/creating-a-pull-request). Usually it’s as simple as opening up https://github.com/YOUR_NAME/django-geoprisma and clicking on review button for newly created branch. There you can make final review of your changes and if everything seems fine, create a Pull Request.